A Simple Way to Handle the Overwhelming Mind

Has your mind always been this racy or it has been racier these days?

4 min readDec 11, 2020
Photo by Christine Makhlouf on Unsplash

We are about to enter the 3rd week of December 2020. How is your December so far?


is a notorious month where the Water element is strong. Technically the month of December is represented by the Rat 子 animal sign. Rat 子 is a Yang Water element. In conclusion, the Water element is strong, during December month.

What does the Water element do to you?

Water represents wisdom and knowledge to a person. We can generally say it also represents a person’s state of mind.

When a person able to digest complex information and extract the essential data from it, well… the mind is busy. They are busy collecting, curating, compartmentalizing, and storing information in their mind.

A busy mind is usually under the influence of the Water element. Further quality check on the Water element is necessary. If it turns out that the Water is unstable, the possibility of a person having a blurry mind and unable to focus is rather high.

Since we are entering several last weeks in 2020, the pressure is higher. Some companies might be getting even more agitated because this is the last chance for them to close 2020 in a better condition than before (I think the word ‘successfully’ might be a little bit overrated).

As my mind also getting a bit ‘racier’ these days, I was trying to look for support from my environment to ‘stabilize’ my mind.

Feng Shui can give support to almost everything as long as you know how to switch perspectives and be a little bit more flexible.

Star 1 The Nobleman Star

helps you focus on what are the things that matter and find solutions to your dilemma (if you have any, of course).

For me, at least, the main reason sometimes my muddy mind ruling me over, is because I simply have too many ideas which I haven’t taken any actions towards it. Or… I simply don’t know where to start. Or… If I am ready to take a step forward, I don’t know how to make the step.

When I realize that whenever I can’t decide something on my mind, I need some kind of inspiration or guidance (might be externally or internally) to help me decide.

The first option is external guidance means that you can find someone from your social circle, a mentor, or a coach if you will to help you decide on the matter. Someone who can help you dissect the problems and laid out plans for you on how to tackle them one by one. This is a sophisticated way in my opinion.

The second option is, find the internal guidance, which honestly I find easier to channel. You just have to deal with yourself.

I have shared the topic this external guidance a.k.a. the Nobleman Star, how to find them, connect with them in the previous article. Read them > here <.

Using Star 1 to Channel Internal Guidance

Star 1 in December resides in the Northeast (NE) sector.

December Flying Stars Chart by FLOUSTUDIO

Whenever you feel overwhelmed by your mind, move to the NE sector and spent time there to do some self-reflection on the matter or brainstorming on the possible problem-solving about it. When you use the space and browsing the internet, you might encounter information or inspiration that could be used to handle your situation.

If by chance, you are working in the NE sector, it’s even better. It means you don’t need to move anywhere else and simply use the area. When you have a lot in your mind, you could write (or else) everything out of your mind.

Intangible things tend to be messy when it’s not laid out properly. Therefore, turns it into tangible things first before further analysis.

Star 1 is even stronger this month

Star 1 in 2020 and Star 1 in December resides in same the Northeast (NE) sector.

2020 Annual Flying Stars Chart (left) — December Flying Stars Chart (right) by FLOUSTUDIO

If you compare the annual Flying Stars chart with December’s Flying Stars chart, you will realize that the Stars are residing in the same position as the annual Stars. This situation makes the Stars ‘stronger’ in power.

Stronger doesn’t always mean good. If you have problems, then your problems might be getting intense if you haven’t done anything to handle it. If you already move on the right track, the good things might get better.

Self-cultivate and improve life using a holistic approach of Chinese Metaphysics (BaZi, Feng Shui, QMDJ) to have a #harmoniousliving and #prosperouslifestyle > DISCOVER HERE <

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From mere technical ancient wisdom, to realistic application for life improvement. Allow the Energy to flow, Allow the Life to grow [hello.floustudio@gmail.com]