Be Mindful of The Main Door Location and Direction

How to Bring More Luck into Your Retail Space, Ep.2 Main Door

4 min readMay 18, 2021
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

This is a mini-series about bringing Qi flow into the retail space using Feng Shui fundamental concepts. In this article, we are going to discuss the Main Door.

Doors are playing a crucial part when it comes to Feng Shui, especially the main door (main entrance) of the store. Imagine the door as your mouth. It is the main gateway for you to eat, nourish the body, etc. Just like our mouth, the store (building or space) needs Qi to flourish. A flowing Qi will support the activity and people who use the space.

A door is acting as a Qi Mouth. It is a gateway for Qi. Many Feng Shui formulas are paying attention to how to treat doors in order to improve the overall Feng Shui of the space.

I will divide the Main door topic into several sections. Location of the door, the direction of the door, and sizing, and the design of the door.

1. Location of the door

We want to make sure that the door is clearly marked and people can immediately point out where is the door and get in easily. During the Feng Shui Audit, practitioners will determine where is the source of Qi. In other words, we want to know, where the Qi is coming from. Then, the placement of the main door is directed connected to the source of Qi.

To make things easier to understand, you might want to observe the direction in which people come into the store. Positioned yourself as a new customer and searching for your store for the first time. Try looking at it from a different angle, to find the best-suited location for the main door.

2. Direction of the door

This point is closely connected to the first point. Usually, people just combine the two points and analyze them together. Location and direction have always been discussed heavily within the community of practitioners and professionals. The reason is that there are differences between the two but sometimes they are being understood as interchangeable.

In the first point, I suggest you check which direction people are coming into your store. Then, if it is possible, you might want to tilt the door to ‘welcome’ the customer to come in. This could be the reason why some stores have a weird angle door despite the designer’s intention. I will discuss this topic in future articles. Let me know if you are interested to know more about it.

Certain Feng Shui formulas use an exact degree to determine which door direction could support the users of the space.

3. Door’s Sizing and Design

You can design your door however you like, with the color that you find matches the aesthetic of the store, etc. But on top of that, there are also some inputs that I would like to give.

First things first. There is a debate on using a certain dimension for your door to bring luck. The source of this is because a practitioner found a ruler with a good and bad dimension on it. Since then, people trying to match the dimension of their door not according to the ergonomic, but to ‘match’ with the good luck dimension. Personally, I don’t own this ruler and I also don’t use it in my practice. I have verified this information and they said this kind of dimension only being used for tombs settings or Yin House Feng Shui.

Secondly, I will touch on the design style. Some stores use pivot doors so that the door will be able to open 360’ degrees whenever needed. I personally don’t encourage designers to apply this type of door into their clients’ stores. The reason is quite simple. If I ask you the direction of the door, how do you answer this question? There is no one direction applied to this door because there is simply none. Since the pivot door’s hinges are in the middle, it can swing around 360’. This could be a problem if you want to improve your door and tilt the door in a certain direction as a means of Feng Shui adjustment.




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