Desperate Times Calling for Desperate Measures



“One Nobleman to go, please”

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

To have your nobleman appear before you, you must be prepared, anticipate and aware of his whereabouts. One tricky part about nobleman is they don’t present themselves as The Nobleman or they even aware that they are your nobleman. If you don’t make yourself aware of their presence, then… there is a big chance that you miss them.

Fortunately, the nobleman star can be activated. But on the other hand, when you miss them, you will need to wait until they likely to appear again.

One last background information about nobleman star. People expect them to be kind and helpful to you. They must have wanted to help you according to your liking, according to your terms.

This is a big misunderstanding and one of the main reasons why people miss their nobleman star. The nobleman star doesn’t need to be kind and helpful. That’s not who they are. They are the type of people who help and shape you becoming a better person. An upgraded version of yourself. How far is the upgrade? Only you can tell. You decided how far you want to grow and transform.

So you can’t decide and define a nobleman based on your version of how a nobleman should behave or look like. That decision is beyond your capacity and capabilities.

Photo by Matthew Waring on Unsplash

Each year, there are 4 nobleman sectors that we can receive benefits from. The Dragon Virtue, Fortune Virtue, The Sun, and The Moon. We activate these sectors to help us get connected easier with the nobleman star.

You can say that these sectors are on the flipside of these 4 Better-Be-Avoided-At-All-Cost sectors. You can read the article >> here.

Dragon Virtue is located on the Southwest 1, Fortune Virtue is located on the West 2, the Sun is located in the Northeast 1 and the Moon is located in the East 2 (which is not advisable to be used this year since there’s Five Yellow hanging around this sector).

If you are already used to the topic of Feng Shui, you know what comes next! Yes, it’s how we activate the sector to boost our signal and get a better connection with our nobleman.


Water is the easiest tool for activation. It is cheap and easy to install. There’s one downside though. It can’t be put for a long period. A two-week installment is maximum for each activation. Water also can’t be installed in the bedroom.

There’s a second method that’s also very easy to do. It is by installing moving objects in that sector. It could be an accessory powered by battery or some kinetic objects.

When we are talking about activation, we like to combine it with Date Selection to maximize the effect of the activation. Surely, when we activate something, we want to make sure that it will benefit us.

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

One important note that you must remember before meeting a nobleman. Focus on adding value to their life. Not yours. After all, it’s up to them whether they feel like to help you or not.

Here’s another article related to the ‘Nobleman Star’ topic…

>> Using Flying Stars Feng Shui, Star #1 is a Water element and considered a general Nobleman Star.

>> Using Eight Mansions, Tian Yi (Heavenly Doctor) is also a direction to align with a nobility help.

So… you see there are many ways to apply when it comes to receiving help from your Nobleman. The only thing you need to do is… do some preparation before meeting them.

Awareness is a classic key that always works.

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