Do NOT Put Water Here! Feng Shui Activation 2021

These are the insights for the famous water activation technique in Feng Shui to jump-start your year.

4 min readJan 17, 2021
Photo by Tessa Wilson on Unsplash

You might want to keep your water feature and put it in the backseat this year. Especially, if you are a Feng Shui enthusiast and for the longest time, you’ve done all the activation without proper training and a supervisor of a professional.

Here’s the reason why…

There is one activity that we always waiting for when it comes to entering the new year. No, it’s not Chinese New Year or 春节 The Spring Festival.

To boost our performance at the beginning of the new year and throughout the year, practitioners are choosing certain locations to activate in that particular year. The chosen location is different according to the goals of that year. That is why you might see different sectors and timing to activate it.

Here’s why you want to hold back a little bit to do the water activation.

The very first layer of doing water activation is to know which locations are okay to be activated in the first place. Usually, we are using the Direct and Indirect Spirit for this. According to the Direct and Indirect Spirit formula, it is advisable to see water in North, East, Southeast, and Southwest location. Other locations, such as South, West, Northwest, and Northeast, should see mountains.

Direct and Indirect Spirit Chart by FLOUSTUDIO

Let’s compare it with this year’s energy flow and for this part, we are going to use the Annual Flying Stars Chart.

Problematic Energy mapping of 2021 by FLOUSTUDIO

Star 2 the Illness Star resides in the North

This is not a piece of good news for many people. This Star is not the most detrimental out of all, but it still bothers some people. Especially if you have a record of certain illness and unexpectedly your bedroom is in the North sector or your head points the North direction.

If you are generally health-conscious and healthy, this year you might find that you somehow neglected your health, therefore, this Star 2 might affect your health overall. I discovered that Star 2 also increasing your temper without you realizing it. As the bad temper at the end of the day also affecting the health, it is safe to say that almost everything could affect your health. Emotion is definitely taking part in it.

Please pay attention to your health in 2021.

Putting water in the North sector this year might activate an undesirable effect on your health. You might want to take note of this.

Three Killings resides in the East

Three killings energy is another energy that we want to avoid disturbing in any given year. This year, it is also residing in one of the sectors where water activation could be done.

Grand Duke resides in the Northeast sector and Year Breaker resides in the Southwest sector

The Northeast sector according to the Direct and Indirect Spirit definitely should not see water features. This is clear enough. Water activation should be avoided in this area unless you are being supervised by a professional.

The Southwest which is an option to place the water feature is where the Year Breaker resides. So… no water activation in this area as well.

Despite the Direct and Indirect Spirit formula, any sector with the Grand Duke and the Year Breaker should not be activated at all. Do it at your own risk if it is being activated accidentally or purposefully.

Star 5 resides in the Southeast

Please welcome this Five Yellow Star that is infamous for its potential to bring calamity and disaster if activated.

If you study Flying Stars Feng Shui for the first time, you will realize that people are really paying attention to where Five Yellow residences are during a particular year. They will move out of that room if so happen it is their bedroom. I see people left the room with Five Yellow during that year and left it unattended. Cleaning the room might become a little bit tricky as you don’t want to accidentally activate the Star.

Seeing that the sectors which are supposedly available for activations are not advisable to be activated, you might want to consult or seek a council from a professional to help you find another way to boost your performance this year. That is to say if you are looking for a booster of this year’s performances.

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