Ugly Personality, Ugly House Structure

4 min readMay 28, 2019

The connection between someone with ugly personality with ugly house structure.

Photo by Sara Farnell on Unsplash

Have you ever heard people say “Don’t they teach that at home?” phrase? There’s a possibility of someone who behaves badly, their house structure disturbing that person personal and important sector.

Some people built their houses based from the images they’ve seen or the experiences they’ve encountered. Little did they know, once they set the house up, the building structure influences the occupants personality. In the first place, architects create the physical space and eventually the physical space influences occupants’ psychology (read: personality).

3 things easy-to-spot immediately after arriving in the premise:

  • Weird shapes house resulting in missing sector.
  • Ugly structure disturbs one one (or more) of the important sector of the house member.
  • Main door facing the DE line (death and emptiness line).

Let’s walk through it one by one

1. Weird shape house

Have you ever seen a house being built not completely square or rectangle as in shape? Maybe more of a U-shape, T-shape, L-shape or maybe some other weirder shape, triangle perhaps. Any house that has some kind of ‘missing’ corner because the house is not square is what I consider ‘weird’ here.

By having the house shape not completely square, you might notice that if we square off the main building, some areas might included inside the square shape but actually not part of the main physical building.

Every corner of the house stands for something and will affect each member of the house differently. By knowing which area that is missing, we might trace who will be affected by this area. Let’s take Abc as an example for now. Based on the 8 mansions formula, Abc’s Fu Wei direction is Southeast (SE) and by chance SE sector in that house is missing. This could be one reason why Abc behaves badly.

Interior tips #1: Choose a rather square shape house just to be on a safe side (for now).

2. Ugly structure disturbs the sector

The definition of ugly here is an unwanted house structure in some important sector of the house and as almost all sectors are important (but still depending on who stays inside), you should pay attention of where to put these ugly structure. For example, ramp that leads to basement room, too many steps leading to the main entrance, way too exuberant features inside the house or wrong position of storage room.

I checked a house once and met the owner. He seemed stressed out and really want to improve his life financially. I checked his house and found out that one of his important sector is being used as storage room. No wonder his attitude was a bit ‘off’. I remember being so hard talking to him of how to resolve some matter regarding the house. This ugly structure which is a wrong positon of the storage room really disturb his capacity regarding financial terms.

If there’s a need to put such structure as part of the house, you better check who is the occupants. After knowing who live inside, you might start to plan the room accordingly and by doing so, you avoid important sectors to be disturbed. Pay attention more to the key sectors in the house and plan accordingly.

Interior tips #2: For easy reference, Sheng Qi is the best area for creation and productivity.

3. Main door facing DE line

I will make an easy analogy for easy reference as what is DE line. Imagine Qi like wifi signal and DE line like a blank spot where you don’t get any wifi signal. Somehow, someway it just happen. DE line is like this blank spot. Somehow you don’t receive the signal, in this matter Qi.

If your main door not receiving any Qi, it means that the whole house is on the blank spot. When you have this kind of situation, during daily activity, you will find that sometimes you ‘hang’ or ‘freeze’ (computer terms). You might not realize this but people around you do realize this and told you many times about it. People could think that you didn’t pay attention to them, but actually you didn’t even realize this thing happened to you.

If you combine these 3 ugly combination in one person, that person will have an ugly personality whether he likes it or not. Most of the times, people with bad personality don’t even realize it, simply because they clueless about it. While they still living inside the house like this, it will be very hard to improve the attitude and mindset towards it.

For someone with good personality before moving in a house with these features, the house will still be affecting them negatively. Many evidence have shown (shared by fellow practitioners) that either you aware about it or not, it will still be affecting you. So, next time to want to rent ot buy a house, check them out beforehand carefully.




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